Source code for apps.redis

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os

from apps.base import BaseApp
from fabobjects.distros import shell_safe

from fabobjects.utils import server_host_manager

[docs]class RedisApp(BaseApp): """ A Redis class that defines a set of methods that's used by both redis server and redis client class. """
[docs] def redis_cli(self, command): """ Run redis command :param str command: The command you want to pass to redis :return: """ if self.redis_password is not None: command = "redis-cli -a {0} {1}".format(self.redis_password, command) else: command = "redis-cli {0}".format(command) return
[docs]class RedisServer(RedisApp): """ A Redis server class, this class installs and sets up a redis server on a host server. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param int service_port = Port to listen for connections, defaults to 6379. :param str maxmemory = Max memory redis should use for storage. :param str exposed_ip = The ip address redis should to accept connections on, defaults to `None` :param str redis_password = Password for your redis server, defaults to `None` :param str allowed_ip = A list or string of ip address to accept connections from, defaults to `None` :param bool public = Set to `True` if you want redis to accept public connections, by default this is set to `False` """ super(RedisServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.service_name = "redis-server" self.service_port = kwargs.get("service_port", "6379") self.maxmemory = kwargs.get("maxmemory", None) self.exposed_ip = kwargs.get("exposed_ip", None) self.redis_password = kwargs.get("redis_password", None) self.allowed_ip = kwargs.get("allowed_ip", None) self.public = kwargs.get("public", False)
[docs] def status(self): """ A method for restarting the application. :return: None """ return self.service_status(self.service_name)
[docs] def reload(self): """ A method for reload the redis. :return: None """ return self.service("{0} force-reload".format(self.service_name))
[docs] def start(self): """ A method for starting redis. :return: None """ return self.service_start(self.service_name)
[docs] def stop(self): """ A method for stopping redis. :return: None """ return self.service_stop(self.service_name)
[docs] def restart(self): """ A method for restarting redis. :return: None """ return self.service_restart(self.service_name)
@server_host_manager def deploy(self): """ Install and configure redis on a server. :return: None """ self.install_package("redis-server") if self.redis_password is not None: self.set_password(pswd=self.redis_password) if self.maxmemory is not None: self.set_memory_limit(maxmemory=self.maxmemory) if self.public: self.make_public() self.firewall_conf(self.allowed_ip) @server_host_manager def set_memory_limit(self, maxmemory=None): """ Set memory to be reserved for redis to use for storage :param str maxmemory: :return: """ afile = shell_safe("/etc/redis/redis.conf") if maxmemory is None: if self.maxmemory is None: self.maxmemory = "256mb" maxmemory = self.maxmemory self.echo("maxmemory {0}".format(maxmemory), to=afile) self.echo("maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru", to=afile) @server_host_manager def make_public(self, ip=""): """ Expose redis to public traffic on given ip interface :param ip: The ip redis will be listening on. :return: None """ afile = shell_safe("/etc/redis/redis.conf") self.sed(afile, "bind", "bind {0}".format(ip), use_sudo=True) @server_host_manager def change_port(self, port): """ Change the port which redis is listening on. :param int port: The port number redis should listening on :return: None """ try: port = str(int(port)) except ValueError as err: print("Value error: port must be an int".format(err)) raise err new_port = "port {0}".format(port) old_port = "port {0}".format(self.service_port) afile = shell_safe("/etc/redis/redis.conf") self.sed(afile, old_port, new_port, use_sudo=True) self.service_port = port @server_host_manager def set_password(self, pswd=None): """ Set Up password protection for redis server :param str pswd: A strong pass word :return: None """ afile = shell_safe("/etc/redis/redis.conf") if pswd is None: raise RuntimeError("You did not enter password") self.sed( afile, "# requirepass foobared", "requirepass {0}".format(pswd), use_sudo=True, ) if self.redis_password != pswd: self.redis_password = pswd @server_host_manager def firewall_conf(self): """ Expose ip or list of ips that can no :return:None """ if self.allowed_ip is None: return if type(self.allowed_ip) != list: self.allowed_ip = [self.allowed_ip] [ self.firewall_allow_form_to( host=host, to=self.exposed_ip, proto="tcp", port=self.service_port ) for host in self.allowed_ip ]
[docs] def enable_ssl( self, domain=None, country_iso=None, state=None, city=None, company_name=None ): """ Enable ssl connection on redis server :param str domain: The website domain name :param str country_iso: :param str state: :param str city: :param str company_name: :return: None """ # Install and configure stunnel to start on boot self.install_package("stunnel4") afile = shell_safe("/etc/default/stunnel4") self.sed(afile, "ENABLED=0", "ENABLED=1", use_sudo=True) # Create self signed ssl cert conf_file = shell_safe("/etc/stunnel/redis-server.conf") ssl_dir = shell_safe("/etc/stunnel/") combined_cert = os.path.join(ssl_dir, os.path.join("certs", "private.pem")) self.generate_self_signed_ssl( domain=domain, cert_dir=ssl_dir, country_iso=country_iso, state=state, city=city, company_name=company_name, ) ssl_dir = os.path.join(ssl_dir, "certs") self.sudo( "cat {0}/{1}.key {0}/{1}.crt > {2}".format(ssl_dir, domain, combined_cert) ) self.sudo("chmod 640 {0}".format(combined_cert)) # Configure stunnel to use our self signed ssl cert self.echo("cert = {0}".format(combined_cert), to=conf_file, append=False) self.echo("pid = /var/run/", to=conf_file) self.echo("[redis]", to=conf_file) self.echo("accept = {0}:6379".format(self.exposed_ip), to=conf_file) self.echo("connect =", to=conf_file) # Ensure redis is listening on localhost since stunnel is listen on the public ip afile = shell_safe("/etc/redis/redis.conf") self.sed(afile, "bind", "bind", use_sudo=True) self.service_restart("redis") self.service_start("stunnel4")
[docs]class RedisSslClient(RedisApp): """ A Redis ssl client, this class installs and sets up a redis client to talk to a remote redis server over an ssl connection. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initializes the redis ssl client connection. :param str server_ip: The ip address of the remote redis server :param str server_cert: Path on your local file system to the server private.pem """ super(RedisSslClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.server_ip = kwargs.get("server_ip", None) self.server_cert = kwargs.get("server_cert", None) self.redis_password = kwargs.get("redis_password", None)
[docs] def deploy(self): """ Install and set up a redis client on a host server. :return: """ afile = shell_safe("/etc/default/stunnel4") combined_cert = shell_safe( os.path.join("/etc/stunnel/", self.server_cert.split("/")[-1]) ) self.install_package("redis-tools stunnel4") self.sed(afile, "ENABLED=0", "ENABLED=1", use_sudo=True) self.put(local_path=self.server_cert, remote_path=shell_safe("/etc/stunnel/")) self.sudo("chmod 640 {0}".format(combined_cert)) # Configure stunnel to use our self signed ssl cert conf_file = shell_safe("/etc/stunnel/redis-server.conf") self.echo("cert = {0}".format(combined_cert), to=conf_file, append=False) self.echo("client = yes", to=conf_file) self.echo("pid = /var/run/", to=conf_file) self.echo("[redis]", to=conf_file) self.echo("accept =", to=conf_file) self.echo("connect = {0}:6379".format(self.server_ip), to=conf_file) self.service_start("stunnel4")